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I hope to inspire yogis to just do what feels right in the moment, to practise just being with whatever shows up. There’s enough harshness in the world from our internal critique and external demands, so whilst we’re on the mat, cultivating self-compassion, forgiveness and gratitude, is so wonderfully kind, healing in balance.


Sharing vulnerabilities as a yoga instructor can really deepen the student connection during a class.

My Story.

A bit about me and my offering.

I trained as a classical dancer, so movement has always formed a huge part of my life. Now, without pressure to perform, not striving to be the best ballerina, Yoga is my movement and expression. It’s important to practise with freedom, not pushing for the fullest pose or to force the strongest flow. Instead, I hold space to explore the beliefs that say always do more and be better.


My style and classes are inspired by many different teachings and teachers. I resonate with those who hold space and invitation to explore, offering lots of different options within the practise to take what is right for them at that time. Years in classical dance inspire creative sequencing and cues that encourage depth and embodiment within a posture or movement. My classes are heartfelt and welcome everyone to just show up, to move a little bit, breathe lots and to feel ‘okay’ with just being.

Most recently, my offering includes iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation teacher as a standalone practice. This feels like a whole new realm, next level of self-enquiry which is a wonderful reminder of why yoga is the practise that keeps on giving! iRest has spun my teachings in a slightly new direction and you’ll notice that “movement” and “rest” come under different tabs on the website. You can find out more under each section.

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